1. Build & Use Routines
A routine is a workout template you can create once and reuse to log workouts instead of building them from scratch every time. You can create folders to organize your routines.
To create a routine, navigate to the Workout tab and tap New Routine. Select the folder if you have more than one.

Then, add the details:
- Name
- Individual exercises
- Number of sets per movement
- Type of sets
- Load and reps (or rep range) or duration for each set
- Automatic rest periods for each exercise

You can also reorder, replace, and remove exercises, pair them in supersets, and add warm-up sets. We’ll explore these options below.

There’s also an option to write a custom note for any exercise to serve as a tip or reminder during training––for example, “Pause for two seconds at the bottom of each rep.”

Once done, save the routine to your library for later use.
How to Use a Hevy Routine
Navigate to the Workout tab and explore the section under Routines. Tap Start Routine on the one you want to use.
A stopwatch tracks the session’s duration. You can mark sets as complete, adjust any of the training variables, and save the completed workout to your profile.

Tap the stopwatch to reveal additional options: change the session’s duration, start date, and time, or pause/restart the workout timer.

Read more about routines and folders here.
2. Start Empty Workouts
Navigate to the Workout tab and select + Start Empty Workout at the top. This allows you to build an improvised session from scratch, be it a workout at a new gym, a session at home or on the road, or something else.
The stopwatch on the top left tracks the duration. Next to it, you can monitor the number of sets you’ve completed and your volume load.

Add exercises from the library, add sets (and mark them by type), add a weight target for each set, log your reps or duration for each set, and mark sets as completed to start the automatic rest timer.

Once you’re done, tap Finish on the top right, overview and adjust some details (more on that below), upload photos and a video (optional), and save the session to your profile.

Read more about starting empty workouts on Hevy.
3. Add Exercises & Adjust Training Variables
Whether building a routine or logging a live workout, you can add exercises from Hevy’s library by scrolling to the bottom and tapping the blue + Add Exercise button. Use the search bar and filters to find the movements you want––this includes custom exercises you’ve created.

Once you add a movement, you can include all the training details you want:
- Write a custom note for any exercise. Notes you write while you build a routine are shown each time you use the routine in the future. In contrast, an exercise note you write while you log a live session is only shown for that workout. Learn about notes and how to use them here.

- Adjust the rest timer. Select a rest timer for each movement, which triggers when you mark a set for that exercise as complete. You can also set a default rest timer in the settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Workouts > Default Rest Timer) or turn it off for some or all exercises. Learn more about the automatic rest timer.

- Add and remove sets. Tap the + Add Set button under any movement to include as many sets as you want. Swipe left on a set to reveal the red Delete button. Read more about this feature here.

- Mark sets by type. Tap the number next to a set to change it from normal (the default option) to warm-up, drop set, or a set to failure. Learn more about set types and common FAQs here.

- Create supersets. Tap the three dots next to a movement and select + Add To Superset to pair it with another exercise. You can create supersets with more than two exercises. Read our short guide on supersets and Hevy’s smart superset scrolling feature.

- Program load and reps or duration. You can program load and reps or duration values for each set you add to a routine under KG or LBS (depending on your selected), REPS or REP RANGE, and TIME (for duration-based activities like the plank), respectively. Learn more about Hevy’s programming options.

- Log RPE per set. Setting RPE targets is not available when building routines but you can log it for each set during a live workout. Enable the option in the settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Workouts > RPE Tracking) to see the RPE column during workouts. Learn more about the feature here.

- Add warm-up sets. Navigate to settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Workouts > Warm-up Calculator) to enable the feature and adjust the warm-up formula. Then, tap the three dots next to any exercise you’ve added to a routine or live workout and select Add Warm Up Sets. Learn how to use the feature step-by-step here.

- Additional exercise options. Tap the three dots next to any exercise to reveal a menu with additional options, such as to reorder, replace, or remove the movement.

4. Explore Hevy’s Routine Library
Navigate to Workout and tap Explore to explore the available programs and routines in the Hevy library.
Use the filters at the top to narrow the results based on experience level, primary goal, and available equipment, or explore all 26 programs and the seven routine categories.

Tap on any program or routine for additional details, such as to see the individual workouts, the required equipment, and the objective. You can save the entire program or just one routine to your library.

Once you save a program to your library, it’s displayed as a folder under Routines in the Workout tab. Tap the three dots next to any routine and select Edit Routine to change any of the training variables, including the exercises, number of sets, rep targets, and rest periods.

Read more about Hevy’s library with programs and individual workouts here.
5. Refer to Previous Workout Values
Logging any exercise in Hevy and saving the workout to your profile stores your performance and displays it under the PREVIOUS tab for future reference.

This allows you to track your previous performance at a glance during a live session instead of guessing what you did last time. As such, it’s easier to do a little more and force the progressive overload necessary for ongoing results.
You can also navigate to settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Workouts > Previous Workout Values) to configure your previous workout value:

The first option displays your performance value from the last time you did the exercise, regardless of the context. In contrast, the second option can provide more accurate data, as it pulls performance numbers from when you did that exercise as part of your current routine.
Read all about previous workout values here.
6. Use the Plate Calculator
Hevy’s weight plate calculator helps you quickly determine what plates to add to your barbell to achieve a given weight. It provides recommendations based on:
- The target weight
- The weight of your barbell
- Your available weight plates

To use it, enable it in the workout settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Workouts > Plate Calculator). Then, start a new session and add a barbell, short bar, or EZ bar exercise.

Write the load target for a set and tap the Calculator button on the bottom left, above your phone’s keyboard.

Select your available weight plates and the bar’s weight to get recommendations.

Learn more about the plate calculator and all of its functions here.
7. Get Motivated With Live PR Notifications
Live personal record (PR) notifications instantly let you know when you’ve achieved a new record – 1RM, most reps, new best duration, or something else – as you mark a set as complete.

Enable the feature in the settings:
Profile tab > gear icon (top right) > Workouts > Live Personal Record Notification
Learn more about the feature and explore some FAQs here.
8. Save Workouts to Your Profile
Hevy offers the best way to track workouts thanks to its simplicity and sheer customizability, which extend to the workout-saving screen.
As you complete a session and tap Finish on the top right, you’re taken to a new window, where you can:
- Write a name for the session
- See the volume load and number of sets done
- See and change the duration of the workout

- Change the start date and time (useful when logging a previously completed workout)

- Upload up to three photos or two photos and a video along with the workout
- Write a note for the workout; you can also tag other Hevy users

- Set the workout to private if you don’t want others to see it (you can also make your entire Hevy profile private)
Once you save the session, you’re taken to a new window with some cool illustrations and graphics, such as:
- Ordinal number of your workout (e.g., 356th)
- Active streak (number of weeks you’ve worked out in a row)
- Highlight of PRs during the workout (if you had any)
- Options to share on social media and elsewhere outside Hevy

You will also see a summary of your training consistency in the last seven days, the workout you just did, and additional training details.

Read all about saving a workout to your Hevy profile and all available options here.