Hevy’s Exercise Leaderboards
Leaderboards are part of Hevy’s social features and help you see how your best performance compares to your friends on a list of key exercises.

To access leaderboards, navigate to the Profile tab, select Statistics, and scroll to the bottom to Leaderboard Exercises.

Look through the list of movements and see where you rank among everyone you follow.

All the activities in the leaderboards (see below) have an extra tab, Leaderboard. This means you can access the rankings when you open any of these movements from the exercise library (Profile tab > Exercises or tap the blue + Add exercise button when creating a workout in Hevy).

You can also tap on any person in the rankings to see the workout where they got their record.

The Exercises Included in Leaderboards
There are currently 38 exercises in the leaderboards:
- Bench Press (Barbell)
- Bent Over Row (Barbell)
- Bicep Curl (Barbell)
- Deadlift (Barbell)
- Overhead Press (Barbell)
- Skullcrusher (Barbell)
- Squat (Barbell)
- Hip Thrust (Barbell)
- Incline Bench Press (Barbell)
- Leg Press (Machine)
- Sumo Squat (Barbell)
- Deadlift (Dumbbell)
- Decline Bench Press (Barbell)
- Bench Press – Close Grip (Barbell)
- Bench Press – Wide Grip (Barbell)
- Clean
- Clean and Jerk
- Clean and Press
- Clean Pull
- Front Squat
- Full Squat
- Good Morning (Barbell)
- Lunge (Barbell)
- Pendlay Row (Barbell)
- Power Clean
- Power Snatch
- Push Press
- Rack Pull
- Reverse Lunge (Barbell)
- Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
- Seated Overhead Press (Barbell)
- Shrug (Barbell)
- Snatch
- Standing Military Press (Barbell)
- Straight Leg Deadlift
- Sumo Deadlift
- Thruster (Barbell)
- Upright Row (Barbell)