Track Exercises & Performance
When you log an exercise in Hevy, your performance is stored. The next time you log the same movement, whether part of a routine (reusable workout template) or an empty workout, it appears on the left side under the column labeled PREVIOUS.

This means you can see your previous performance at a glance throughout your current session, which can help you make better training decisions and push yourself hard enough to match or exceed the previous weight and reps you’ve lifted.
You can access Hevy’s workout settings by navigating to:
Profile tab > Settings gear icon on the top right > Workout > Previous Workout Values
You can select the app to display your performance from the last time you did that exercise, regardless of the routine. Alternatively, you can ask Hevy to fetch your previous values from the last time you did that movement in the current routine you’re using.

In addition to helping you track lifts more efficiently, you can tap on a previous value to instantly add it to your current workout instead of writing the load and reps or duration on each set.