Hevy’s Content Feed
Hevy’s content feed (or social feed) shows updates from users you follow. It displays other athletes’ workouts along with:
- The session’s name
- A description written before saving the workout (if any)
- The duration
- The training volume
- The number of personal bests during the session (if any)
Below that, you can like the session, leave a comment, and see the likes and comments from other users.

You can also see the videos and images users upload with their workouts. These are different from progress photos, which are private to the user.

If a person uploads a video to go with the workout, it appears first. You can tap to watch it without opening the workout for details.

You can also swipe left and right to browse through the attached media and see a summary of the user’s workout.

The upward arrow icon on the bottom right of each workout in your social feed allows you to share the session outside Hevy. For instance, you can generate and share a link to the workout on a messaging platform or save it in your notes.
Click here to learn about the details and options you can access when you tap on a workout in your social feed.
Suggested Athlete
You can see a horizontal carousel with suggested athletes as you scroll down on your social feed in Hevy.

Tap to follow them directly, remove them from your suggested list, or see their profile. Click here to learn more about Hevy’s user profiles and the available options.
Suggested athletes also appear when you tap the magnifying glass icon on the top right to search for someone.

You can turn off suggested athlete recommendations by navigating to the settings (Profile tab > gear icon on the top right > Privacy & Social under Preferences > Hide Suggested Users > toggle switch on).

Invite a Friend
Tap + Invite a friend above the suggested athletes carousel or select the option through the search bar (magnifying glass icon on the top right).

This feature allows you to invite workout buddies from WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, or Twitter (or X), invite people from your contact list, or copy a link and share it elsewhere.