Navigate to the Profile tab and select the grey Statistics button to access the workout performance statistics.
Last 7 Days Body Graph
At the top of the Statistics section, Hevy displays your workout activity in the last seven days and a body diagram of the muscles you’ve trained.

This is a great way to get insightful info at a glance. Scroll down for a more in-depth breakdown.
Set Count Per Muscle Group
Tap Set count per muscle group under Advanced statistics to see a breakdown of the total volume per muscle. You can:
- Display as many muscle groups as you want on the graph
- Load data from the last 30 days, three months, year, or all time (limited to three months on Hevy’s free version)
- Display weekly, monthly, or yearly data

This data can help you determine if you’re doing the proper amount of training volume based on your progress and how you feel day to day. Displaying the numbers on a graph makes it effortless to track the volume of work you’re doing over the weeks, months, and years.
Muscle Distribution
First, you can tap Muscle distribution (Chart) under Advanced statistics to see an overview of your training over the last 30 days, three months, year, or all time. The free version limits data to the past three months.
Hevy provides an overview of the muscles you’ve trained for a bird’s eye view, along with the number of workouts, duration, training volume, and sets.

You can tap Muscle distribution (Body) in the menu to see the number of sets per muscle and a body muscle diagram.

This section allows you to easily switch from week to week for an overview of your training volume, frequency, and the number of sets per muscle group.
Main Exercises
The last option under Advanced statistics is Main exercises. It provides an overview of the exercises you’ve logged the most times. As with the other sections, you can display data from the last 30 days, three months, year, or all time, with the latter two options only being available with Hevy Pro ($2.99 monthly).

Tap on each movement for additional data:
Individual Exercise Performance Data
When you select an exercise in the Main Exercises section, you gain access to in-depth performance and progress data. You can also access that information by navigating to the Profile tab and tapping the grey Exercises button under Dashboard to access your library.
Use the search field and filters for equipment and muscle targets to find the movements you want.

Tap on any movement for in-depth training and performance statistics. The Summary tab displays the following information:
- Heaviest weight lifted
- Projected or true 1RM
- Best set volume
- Best session volume
- Most reps done

These metrics are shown on individual graphs. Below, you can tap on any record to see the workout where it occurred.

Under Set Records, you can see your personal best lifts for specific rep targets you’ve hit.

Next, navigate to the History tab to examine your training performance on that single exercise from workout to workout. Tap any workout title at the top to see the whole session.