Advanced Workout Statistics
Navigate to the Profile tab and select the grey Statistics button below Dashboard to access advanced training statistics.
At the top, you will see Last 7 days body graph, which shows how many times you’ve worked out and what muscles you’ve trained (trained body parts will be highlighted in blue on a muscle diagram).

Set Count Per Muscle Group
Directly below the body graph is the Advanced statistics section, where you can tap to see your sets per muscle group per week, month, or year.

This section provides a complete breakdown of your training volume per muscle group. You can filter and segment the information––for example, weekly data from the last month:

Or monthly from the last three months or year:

You can also filter what muscles you want to track on the graph. For instance, you can only list a few you care most about:

The Value in Monitoring Your Training
Research has repeatedly shown that training volume, most commonly tracked by counting the number of sets done per muscle group, is tightly linked to growth. In general, the more training we do while recovering well, the better the results.
Having a convenient way to monitor your sets per week per muscle group and filter the data is a great way to ensure you’re doing enough training volume for optimal results. It streamlines progress tracking and eliminates the need for a physical workout log that can be tiresome to fill out and flip through.
Moreover, the built-in filters make it easier to display the most relevant information, such as how much training you’re doing for a specific muscle (in case you want to bring up a weak point) and whether your overall volume increases over time.

Proud of Yourself? Share Your Results.
Lastly, we can’t forget about Hevy’s social aspect. You can tap the upward arrow icon on the top right to share any graph you’ve generated on social media or elsewhere outside Hevy.