A Brief Look at Hevy’s Social Feed
Hevy’s social feed lists updates (workouts) from users you follow. Each entry comes with info like:
- Name of the session
- A description written by the user before saving it (if any)
- Duration, volume, and number of personal bests
- Media uploaded along with the session
- The number of likes and comments

You can learn more about the social feed and the available options here.
Workout Details
Tap on any workout in your content feed to open it and see all the details––the muscle split, sets and set types, exercises, reps, weight, RPE, duration, personal records (if any), and notes the user has written.

Tap on any exercise to see an overview, compare performance, and inspect your stats over time (same as when tracking your progress on individual exercises).

While inspecting another user’s workout, you can tap the three dots at the top right to:
- Save their workout as a reusable template (routine). You can access the routine in the Workout tab and start live sessions with the same details.

- Copy the workout. Doing so automatically starts a live workout with the same details. You can adjust the training variables if necessary and log your performance set by set, including weight, reps, and RPE or duration.

This means Hevy provides endless gym workout ideas and a simple way to save the ones you like for future use.
Leave Likes and Comments
Aside from inspecting workout details, comparing performance, and saving interesting sessions as templates for future use, you can leave likes:

And write comments:

You can also visit other users’ profiles to see their stats and workouts. Learn more about that here.