
Hevy – #1 Workout Tracker & Planner Gym Log App

Guillem Ros

Guillem Ros

Hey! I'm Guillem, I'm from Barcelona and I'm a co-founder of Hevy. I've been in the fitness world for about 5 years, working in the biggest fitness apps in the world, and now building Hevy! Our goal with Hevy is to provide athletes with the best workout tracking tool in the market, and help them reach their fitness goals! We also write workout guides and exercise tutorials in order to help all athletes around the world to get started and improve their workouts. We only use reputable scientific based peer-reviewed studies to reference our content, and the best personal trainers to advise us. I hope you can find our content of value and try Hevy to log your workouts! If you would like to get in touch, email me at [email protected] or reach out to me on Twitter @theguiros or on LinkedIn.


How to use Hevy

New to Hevy? Don’t feel overwhelmed. This page will show you the first steps you need to take to make the most of the app. If you want a feature

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Welcome to Hevy

Hevy is the best workout tracking app for people who go to the gym. Hevy specializes in 3 areas. 1. Logging workouts2. Analyzing your progression3. Providing the best social experience.

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