The Benefits of the T-bar Row
T-bar rows are an effective accessory exercise that strengthens and develops your back, midsection, shoulders, biceps, and forearms. The movement is similar to barbell rows because you have to bend forward and keep your torso almost parallel to the floor. But, unlike a barbell row, you’re using a T-bar machine or a barbell anchored to a landmine attachment.
Like barbell rows, the T-bar row targets the back and allows trainees to overload their muscles with more weight. The range of motion is also good, allowing for adequate stretching of the involved muscles, followed by a strong contraction at the top. As a result, T-bar rows strengthen your upper body, making you functional, more athletic, and less likely to get injured.
We recommend including the T-bar row at the start of your training. The movement is challenging to perform correctly, so it is best to do it early while you’re fresh.
How to do a T-bar Row
- Add some weight to the machine. Start on the light side, rather than loading too much.
- Step on the platform, bend forward and grab the handles with an overhand grip.
- Bring your shoulders back, and take a breath.
- Ensure that your back is in a neutral position and push through your heels as you simultaneously extend your hips to lift the weight off the floor.
- With your torso almost parallel with the floor and arms straight down from your shoulders, take another breath.
- Row the weight up through your elbows until the handles almost reach your torso.
- Hold the contraction for a moment; you should feel your back muscles working.
- As you exhale, slowly release the weight back to the starting position by extending your arms. Maintain the angle of your torso throughout the repetition, and don’t rest the weight on the floor.
- Take another breath and repeat.
What muscles does the t-bar row activate?
The primary muscles that work during T-bar rows are those in the upper back: latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, infraspinatus, trapezius, rear deltoids, and teres major and minor. Together, these muscles offer torso support, keep our shoulder blades retracted and produce force to row and lower the weight. The erector spinae (a collection of muscles that run on both sides of the spine) engage isometrically to keep us in position.
Our biceps are the second major muscle group involved in T-bar rows. The muscle group covers the front side of the upper arms and is responsible for elbow flexion (1). Our biceps produce force to bend our elbows, assisting the back muscles in rowing the weight. Similarly, the brachialis (a muscle underneath the biceps) and brachioradialis (part of the forearm) contribute to elbow flexion (2, 3).
Midsection muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques, flex isometrically, providing torso support and allowing us to maintain our position as we row.
Tips on Proper Technique and Form when Performing a T-bar Row
A vital tip to keep in mind for effective rowing is keeping your torso as horizontal as possible. Doing so would allow you to keep the emphasis on your latissimus dorsi and mid-back. In contrast, having your torso more upright turns the row into a modified shrug, shifting the focus to your shoulders and trapezius.

Another essential tip for the T-bar row is to use a full range of motion. Pull the weight to your upper stomach, hold it there for a moment, and extend your arms without letting your shoulders protract (roll forward). Doing so is essential for stretching and shortening the involved muscles and making each repetition more effective.
The third tip is more of a cue to keep in mind as you row. You should imagine that your hands are mere hooks for the weight and that you’re pulling through your elbows. While that cue might seem a bit strange, it can help you form a better mind-muscle connection with your back muscles.
Variations and Modifications of the T-bar Row
1. Barbell T-Bar Row
The barbell T-bar row is a good variation for those with no access to a T-bar station. You must anchor a regular barbell to a landmine attachment, step over it, and grab it near the bushing. Once in position, row as you normally would.
2. Chest-Supported T-Bar Row
Chest-supported T-bar rows are a variation you would perform on a T-bar station with a pad. The objective is to position your upper body on the pad, grab the T-bar, and perform rows. Doing so is good for taking the focus away from your erector spinae and midsection and instead emphasizing the lats, rhomboids, trapezius, and biceps.
3. Meadows Row
Meadows rows are named after the late bodybuilder John Meadows and are fantastic for developing the lats. The objective is to anchor a barbell on a landmine attachment, load it up, and stand at the end with one side facing it, so you are perpendicular. From there, bend forward, grab the bar, and perform rows. Once finished, rotate 180 degrees and train your other side.
Mistakes to Avoid
One of the most common mistakes with T-bar rows is using too much weight. Doing so makes the exercise more dangerous and less effective because you have to shorten the range of motion, use momentum, and move your torso up and down. Avoid the mistake by picking a weight that allows you to do at least six to eight smooth repetitions with a full range of motion.
Another mistake with T-bar rows is keeping your torso upright. Doing so turns the movement into a modified shrug and shifts the emphasis to your trapezius and shoulders. The goal is to keep your torso as parallel to the floor as possible, allowing you to target your back muscles effectively.
The third significant mistake with T-bar rows is relying on your biceps to lift the weight. Many trainees struggle to engage their back muscles because they only focus on moving the load from point A to B. Imagine that your hands are mere hooks for the weight and pull through your elbows. While it might sound a bit strange, the cue can make it easier for you to activate the correct muscles.
Similar Exercises to the T-bar Row
Inverted Row

Inverted rows are an effective bodyweight exercise that strengthens your back, biceps, and midsection (4). The objective is to grab a bar, lean back, and pull yourself repeatedly. A more horizontal torso makes the exercise more challenging, whereas being more upright reduces the difficulty.
Renegade Row

Renegade rows are a functional exercise that trains your back and biceps while improving whole-body stability and core strength. The objective is to assume a push-up position while supporting yourself on a pair of hexagonal dumbbells. From there, tilt your body to the left, and pull the opposite dumbbell repeatedly. Once finished, lean to the right and perform the same number of repetitions.